Digital Fortress By Dan Brown!
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I was on spring break in my parents' hometown in Messolonghi for a week so it was kind of difficult to post from there! Well... the truth is that spring was not present the first four days, so I kind of enjoyed my time sitting near the fireplace with my book and my hot cup of coffee!!
Hello everyone!

While there I finished reading Digital Fortress by Dan Brown (the greek edition). Even though it was one of his first books I kind of got hold to it pretty recently. It was a new experience reading a Dan Brown book without Robert Langdon being the main character.
However his style of writing was similar to his later books! There is again a threatening crisis and the main characters are called to save the day through a series of unfortunate events, plot twists and reading codes! If you have ever read any book of Dan Brown you surely know that he is a great fan of riddles, secret codes and symbols!
Even though Langdon is not a part in this novel there is another professor called David Becker! David kind of reminds me Langdon if I may say so! They are both determined in their cause and have the same sense of humor! But David is not the expert on codes in this one! His beautiful fiance is! Susan Fletcher is an expert in her field working in the US National Security Agency.
I really enjoyed reading this book! Even though mostly I don't like these kind of novels Dan Brown knows how to draw attention! I could find myself reading as fast as I could when David was in difficult situations and having dilemmas when Susan was trying to find out the truth! I totally recommend it to those who have read any other similar books and liked them!!
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