2018 Book haul No 4!

I have 5 more books for you today!! I got those during summer and are mostly my July-birthday book haul! Better late than never!
I have also posted parts 1 , 2 and 3 if you are interested or looking for books!

Let's move on!

16. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets the illustrated edition by J. K. Rowling and Jim Kay.

No need to say more. I plan on reading it in December because Christmas is the best time to read Harry Potter!!! Duh!! I have actually planned a Harry Potter read along with my brothers and you're welcomed to join us if you're interested as well! Leave me a message down below or send me a message on Instagram! The more, the better!

17.Voyager by Diana Gabaldon

The third book in the famous Outlander series! If you follow me for some time you have probably noticed that every summer I read the book that corresponds to the Outlander tv series that aired that year! And I just realized that I haven't posted my review yet so get ready because THAT will be my next post!!!!!!! Yay!! I am so happy season 4 is out!! FINALLY!!!  

Believe it or not.... this is my first comic book! I have heard great things about it but haven't read that yet.It is probably a really quick read so I've been saving it for when i am not feeling motivated to read! *fingers crossed reading slump is far far far far away!*

19.Ginati by Yiannis Kalpouzos
Another Greek book by an amazing Greek author. It is a historical fiction novel set in a Greek city called Ioannina (or more often Yannena) in 1920s. It follows the story of an orthodox man who falls for a muslim girl during a period filled with fear, war and political instabilities. A great read! (I haven't posted a review since this book hasn't been translated in english.)

20. Balanced and Beautiful by Tone It Up
You know I am a tiu member and I love these two girls! They motivate me to follow my dreams and have a healthy lifestyle (well, most of the time- that's a work in progress!) This book is a 5-day guide with each day concentrating on a different aspect/feeling in your life. Those are: 
Each chapter is full of girl talk, advice, yummy recipes and workouts! It is the best companion to their previous book Fit, Fierce And Fabulous which I also loved!

Stay tuned for part 5 coming at you next week!
Yes, there is a part 5 as well..... I know I have a problem!

See you next time!

*Also follow @booksreadbyjoan on Instagram!


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