2018 Book Haul - part 1

I can't believe I haven't posted a book haul this year! I tried not to buy many books this year, as my main goal is to narrow down my endless TBR shelf! So for today, I have 5 books to share with you in this first part!

I have posted them by the order I bought them!

1. The Egyptian by Gilbert Sinoue (L'egyptienne)
2. The daughter of the Nile by Gilbert Sinoue (La fille du Nil)

These two books are written by an Egyptian author and I don't know if they are published in english as I have them in Greek edition. They are however published in french for all of you that speak french. This is a duology taking place in Egypt 1790 and follows a christian girl and a muslim boy that fall in love and want to spend their lives together. I haven't read them yet (*story of my life) but if you have read any posts of mine, you may know that I am a huge fan of egyptian culture and mythology.

3. Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman

This is the only book out of these five that I have read! (😔😓😔😓) Stay tuned, cause a book review is coming!!!! Except from egyptian mythology, I am also a huge fan of norse mythology and a Vikings enthusiast!! I wanted to know all the folklore around Thor and Loki and I read this book with great expectations!!! Did you know that Thor and Loki weren't brothers???? I did not!!! Read this book to find out more! It was also the first book I read by Neil Gaiman and I liked his writing style! Feel free to leave a comment with other of his books that you like! 

4. Fantastic Beasts And Where To Find Them - the original screenplay by J. K. Rowling

Need I to make any other comments? Of course I wanted this book to complement my Harry Potter shelf! I haven't read it because I want to keep it for a moment that I will need some magic, some inspiration, something beautiful in my life if that makes any sense! You know? Hahaha! I have seen the first movie and I can't wait for the new one!!! I love it!

5. All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr

I am actually currently reading this book! It's a historical fiction following the lives of a French girl and a German boy in World War II. I will surely post my thouhts of this book in a later blog post as well! Is it a movie? Not yet right? It could make an axcellent movie I believe!

That's all for now!
Part II is probably coming soon as I have 5 more books for you!
See you soon!
xoxo Joan!


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