Top 5 authors I discovered in 2018

Every year I share my top 5 authors that I have "discovered" in said year. So here is my 2018 list!
Visit also my posts here and here to see the whole list of the authors that I discovered in 2018 and come back to see who made it to the top5!
(Previous years: 2017, 2016, 2015)

No 5 Morgan Rhodes

The author of the Falling Kingdom series.
I really enjoed the first book that I read and it didn't make into my top10 even though it was close!

No 4 Erica Johansen

The author of the Queen of The Tearling series.
Another close call to my top10 books of 2018! I only read the first one!

No 3 V. E. Schwab

The author of the Shades of Magic series.
I may sound a bit of a cliche but A Darker Shade Of Magic was also really close to my top 10 books!!! Maybe no11!?

No 2 Antony Doerr

The author of All The Light We Cannot See
That one made it to my top10 books of 2018!

No 1 S. A. Chakraborty

The author of City O Brass! My second favorite books of 2018!!!!

That's all for now!
See you next time!

*Also follow @booksreadbyjoan on Instagram!


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