Blogmas - Doon #4 - Forever Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

Forever Doon is the fourth and last book of the Doon series by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon. This review contain spoilers for its prequels so make sure to read them and my reviews before reading this one!

 First of all, how amazing is this cover! Well, in truth, every book in this series has a beautiful cover! 

As you may remember from the ending of Shades of Doon when Forever Doon starts, Mackenna with Duncan and the majority of the Doonians are in Alloway while Veronica is still in Doon, wicked witch on the throne, and she also believes that Jamie is dead. The bridge is now destroyed and there is no way for either one to cross it.Even being apart, Vee and Kenna have to find a way to take down the witch and save their kingdom.
I admired how Veronica put away her grief in order to save Doon. She has grown so much comparing to the first novel where she didn't believe in herself at all! And when she reunites with Jamie, I waited for that scene since finishing Shades of Doon!
Mackenna and Duncan are trying to create an army to fight the witch. Mackenna is also learning how to fight which causes problems in their relationship. My heart melts when I read their parts! I am a huge Duncenna fan! (Is that even a thing? Duncenna? Haha!!) So much more is going on though! 
This one wraps the series soooo good! A beautiful story comes to en end! I am really sad that it is over! 

Like in my previous reviews I have to say again that the world is amazing! Doon is a mythical kingdom in Scotland where I would love love love to live with all these characters! And the writing is once more captivating! If you love fantasy, magic and romance give this book a go! Especially with Christmas arriving soon I believe it is the ideal time for this series!! 

Is it possible to cross the bridge too??? I believe that Doon is in need of a nurse - book reviewer... Right? 😋

Now my goal is to read Guilt Hollow by Lorie Langdon and also check  Carey's books, as her writing the Mackenna parts were my favorite ones! 

I gave this book 5 stars!

Some of my favorite quotes:

"It doesn't always matter what you mean to do, it matters what you do."

"I would die a thousand deaths, if it meant coming back to you."

You can find my previous reviews in the links below:


Destined for Doon

Countdown: 16 days until Christmas!

See you tomorrow!
xoxo Joan!

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