Bikini Program ~Round 2~ , Ice Cream Recipes PDF and Fit Fierce and Fabulous Challenge!!!!!

Hello there TIUTeam!!!

#MotivationMonday post!!

Bikini Series this year was ah-mazing!!!! I loved each and every day!!!! And I'm so excited that all this didn't stop here!!! Summer is still ahead of us and round 2 of bikini program is the best choice to stay fit during summer!!! I'm definitely in!!!


Also today is the first day of the 28day challenge of Fit Fierce and Fabulous!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!! It seems super fun and definitely this will be a summer to remember!!!! Today's pm challenge is to find a bombshell buddy!! Well for me, each member of TIUTeam is definitely my buddy!! Each morning when I have to wake up for my bootycall I love spending some time on Instagram, and I immediately get inspired from all those beachbabes that have woken up and started their day right!! (You should also try this if you don't consider yourself a morning person!!!)

Hey!! Have you tried to make beach babe waves and rock that cat eye?? YOU SHOULD!! I felt totally a beachbabe!!!! The tutorial videos are super easy!

I also created a pdf file with all ice cream recipes from!!!
Just go to the link below to download it!!! You will also find my previous ones with recipes of smoothies and juices!!

Who's ready for a #100bysummer round 2??? 
For all beachbabes who want to double our summer miles or for those who want to start over this challenge let's do this!!! I know it might seem a little scary but it's the best cardio challenge ever!!!

Have an amazing week!!!! Waiting for your thoughts and comments!!!! Goodbye!!! <3


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