Cousin's War #5 - The White Princess by Philippa Gregory
The White Queen is the fifth book in The Cousins' War series or The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels as newly listed, as of August 2016, by Philippa Gregory.
You don't need to read the rest of the books before reading The White Princess but I would recommend it if you want to know the background before this novel.
Each one of her books follows a different heroine, and this one follows Elizabeth of York, the beautiful daughter of Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville (the White Queen).The young princess of York is forced to marry Henry Tudor, the winner of Bosworth Field, in order to unify the two families and finally bring peace in England. But how can she love the killer of her uncle and lover King Richard? And how can she become Queen of England when the crown truly belongs to her young brother whom her mother sent away to escape execution? All these thoughts are torturing Elizabeth and mark her reign.

I was really curious to read how she would survive a court between Henry and his mother (Margaret Beaufort - The Red Queen) and her own mother on the other side. I loved Elizabeth's character but I expected her to be more vigorous and plotter, like her female ancestors.
I gave this book 5/5 stars!

My favorite quotes:
“Fortune's wheel takes you very high and then throws you very low, and there is nothing you can do but face the turn of it with courage.”
“There is nothing to fear,' she says to me softly. 'There is never anything to fear. The worst fear is of fear itself, and you can conquer that.'
'How?' I murmur. It feels as if I am talking in my sleep, floating down a stream of sleep. 'How can I conquer the worst fear?'
'You just decide,' she says simply. 'Just decide that you are not going to be a fearful woman and when you come to something that makes you apprehensive, you face it and walk towards it. Remember - anything you fear,you walk slowly and steadily towards it. And smile.”
“Sometimes we win; sometimes we lose. The main thing is that we always, we always go on.”
Check out my other reviews here:
You should definitely watch the 10 episodes mini-series The White Queen ASAP!!!
The White Princess is also becoming mini-series said to be aired somewhere in 2017! It was about time!! I only hope it is going to be as amazing as its prequel!
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