The Mortal Instruments #6 - City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

Hey guys!!!

This is the sixth and last book of The Mortal Instrument Series! I felt so happy for concluding the series but I need more! I am so excited and ready for Lady Midnight, which comes out next month!! I have already pre-ordered it and I would lie if I told you that I don't envy all those who have already taken their copies!!! 

I would like to warn you that if you haven't read yet the previous books of the series as well as  Clockwork princess you shouldn't read this review as it was inevitable  without spoiling the previous books!! You could check my other reviews on the Book Reviews Bar above!

 From the first to the last page this book is full of action! I totally loved it and it was an amazing finale to the series with all kinds of emotions! 

We get to know some new characters, which are Emma Carsters and the Blackthorn family. These happen to be the main characters of Lady Midnight. I totally enjoy the fact that both The Infernal Devises and The Mortal Instrument series have an amazing cast of characters. Each one being unique with his background story, his passions and struggles. I loved Emma's determination and how she and Julian care for each other and everyone else! I really want to know more about them and see how they will grow in the new series by Cassandra Clare.

In this book you can definitely see how Clary and Jace are perfectly made for each other! Well, it was obvious from the previous books too but I totally love how their relationship has evolved!  In this book, they are all determined to stop Sebastian once and for all and they are ready to face any challenge and  sacrifice anything towards that cause. Reading this book you will laugh but you will get sad too. You will get angry and you will forgive. It has everything! This is totally my favorite book of the series! I feel so close to the characters that I was sure I followed them everywhere!!! I was there too!! It will certainly be one of my favorite books for 2016! And this is the book where the main characters from three different bookseries meet each other! I have never read something like that!!! 

I was more than excited to reach the page where we would meet Jem and Tessa!!! You probably already now how much I love Jem! 
Have you ever wondered what happens when a vampire drinks the blood from somebody who's been drinking alcohol? The answer is hilarious! There are so amazing scenes with Simon and Izzy throughout the book! And I really liked Alec more in this book. I think that we have the chance to know things about him that we never had the chance to know and I enjoyed it! And Magnus... well he is the same Magnus we know for sooooo many years!! 

I hope that you loved this book as much as I do and I want to hear your thoughts!

I rated this book with 5 stars! (obviously!!!!)

Here are some of my favorite quotes:

“Okayyyyy,” Isabelle said in a low voice, “When did Brother Zachariah get hot?” 

“Brother Zachariah,” Isabelle said. “Months January through December of the Hot Silent Brothers Calendar. What’s he doing here?”
“There’s a Hot Silent Brothers Calendar?” said Alec. “Do they sell it?” 

“Alec looked down at the shattered pieces in disbelief. “You BROKE my PHONE.”
Jace shrugged. “Guys don’t let other guys keep calling other guys. Okay, that came out wrong. Friends don’t let friends keep calling their exes and hanging up. Seriously. You have to stop.”
Alec looked furious. “So you broke my brand new phone? Thanks a lot.”
Jace smiled serenely and lay back on the grass. “You’re welcome.” 

I could literally quote the whole book!The worst part is that this book left me to deal with the worst book hangover ever....! 
Where is Lady Midnight already?? 

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  1. I'm glad I am not the only one!!!! Do you also watch the TV series? What do you think?


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