Welcome Fall!!

Welcome Fall!!

Summer is officially over but that doesn’t mean that fun days are over too! You can definitely have fun in October! The weather may be a bit cooler (here in Greece at least, as well as most countries in the northern hemisphere!) but it’s time to get cozy and enjoy the changes of nature!

Below are some simple ways to became fall-inspired

1. For me fall signifies getting back on track. After the craziness of summer it is time to push yourself towards those goals you set back in January. So search that piece of paper and make a quick evaluation. You can definitely make changes and adjust them to present.

2. It is also the perfect time to become fit! What best than participate in a Fall Fitness Challenge? As a true Tone It Up girl, I took part in the 31 Day Challenge that Karena and Katrina created and I am so excited!

3. Update your vision board! Visualization is a key to success!!!

4. Make your home Fall-friendly!  Clean and organize your home! Throw those cozy blankets and light candles that remind you of fall.

This photo is by Linday Marcella 
check her blog!!!

5. Create a fall playlist! Music is magic! It has the ability to soothe you or energize and inspire you!

6. Plan fall activities! Long walks with a hot pumpkin spice latte on hand…. (treat yourself here and there!!) Invite friends over for a movie night!

7. Read a book! Well.... obviously!!!!

8. Be present and enjoy every day!!!!

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